
AHEC中西部印第安纳标志 AHEC is a state and nationwide network of programs that strives to improve health through the recruitment, training and retention of a diverse work force for underserved communities. Indiana has eight regional “centers” that are coordinated through a central office. Each regional center is designed to assess and meet the needs of their local communities. 我们的 West Central Indiana 地区健康教育中心 was the first operational AHEC in the state originating in 2002.



的 Indiana AHEC Program Office is located within the 部门 of Family Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine. 的re are eight independent regional offices that work to serve Hoosiers living in their designated counties.

East Indiana 地区健康教育中心 (EI-AHEC) 

的 East Indiana 地区健康教育中心 includes the 14 counties of Bartholomew, 迪尔伯恩, 迪凯特, 菲也特, 富兰克林, 亨利, 杰佛逊, 詹宁斯, 俄亥俄州, 里普利, 冲, 联盟, 韦恩和瑞士.

Metropolitan Indianapolis/Central Indiana 地区健康教育中心 (MICI-AHEC)

的 Metropolitan Indianapolis/Central Indiana 地区健康教育中心, which includes the 9 counties of Boone, 汉密尔顿, 汉考克, 亨德里克斯, 约翰逊, 麦迪逊, 马里恩, 摩根, 和谢尔比.

North Central Indiana 地区健康教育中心 (NCI-AHEC)

的 North Central Indiana 地区健康教育中心 includes the 13 counties of Benton, 卡罗尔, 卡斯商学院, 克林顿, 富尔顿, 霍华德, 迈阿密, 普拉斯基, 蒂珀卡努河, 蒂普敦, 和白色的.

Northeast Indiana Area 健康 教育 Center (NEI-AHEC)

的 Northeast Indiana 地区健康教育中心 includes the 17 counties of Adams, 艾伦, Blackford, 迪卡尔布, 特拉华州, 埃尔克哈特, 格兰特, 亨廷顿, 松鸦, 科修斯科山, 拉格朗日, 高贵的, 伦道夫, Steuben, 沃巴什, 井, 和惠特利.

Northwest Indiana 地区健康教育中心 (NWI-AHEC)

的 Northwest Indiana Area 教育 Center includes the 8 counties of Jasper, 湖, LaPorte, 马歇尔, 牛顿, 行李搬运工人, St. 约瑟夫和斯塔克.

South Central Indiana 地区健康教育中心 (SCI-AHEC)

的 South Central Indiana 地区健康教育中心 includes the 12 counties of Brown, 克拉克, 克劳福德, 弗洛伊德, 哈里森, 杰克逊, 劳伦斯, 马丁, 梦露, 橙色, 斯科特, 和华盛顿.

Southwest Indiana 地区健康教育中心 (SWI-AHEC)

我们最新的AHEC, the Southwest Indiana 地区健康教育中心, 包括戴维斯的10个县, 杜波依斯, 吉布森, 诺克斯, 佩里, 派克, 波西, 斯宾塞, Vanderburgh, 和沃里克.

West Central Indiana 地区健康教育中心 (WCI-AHEC)

West Central Indiana 地区健康教育中心 包括克莱的9个县, 喷泉, 格林, 蒙哥马利, 欧文, 帕克, 普特南, 沙利文, 朱红色的, 比戈, 和沃伦.

West Central Indiana AHEC Service Area map

WCI-AHEC services an 11-county region consisting of Warren, 喷泉, 帕克, 朱红色的, 蒙哥马利, 比戈, 粘土, 欧文, 普特南, 格林, 和沙利文.



的 population of WCI-AHEC’s region is older and less educated, with higher unemployment and lower incomes than the rest of Indiana.  Elevated percentages of both Medicaid and Medicare dependents are also prevalent.


的 population of WCI is less educated and while high school graduation rates in most West Central counties are in line with the state median, fewer residents have any post-secondary education.


Residents in ten out of the eleven counties in the West Central Indiana region report being less physically and mentally healthy than the state average.

的 teen birth rate is above the state median in eight of the eleven counties, and the percent of mothers who smoked during pregnancy is significantly higher in the entire region.  In addition to those major health concerns is the fact that ten of the eleven counties have a higher rate of preventable hospitalizations among their Medicare population, which is especially significant in light of the high proportion of Medicare beneficiaries.


Primary care and mental health providers in the WCI region have larger patient loads than the state median in all counties except 比戈, 哪个是最大的.  Dental providers see more patients than the state median in all 11 counties.  另外, the West Central Indiana region experiences under-representation of Blacks and Hispanic/Latinos in much of the health care workforce compared with the general population.