
What is 代理访问?

代理访问 allows the student to authorize a proxy to view information on their academic record. 学生 can also establish a passphrase allowing ISU representatives to share information that the student has authorized to be released specific to the proxy.


A proxy can be any individual that a student grants access to through the 代理访问 process via the portal.

What is a passphrase?

A passphrase is a 由学生分配给他们设置的每个代理的唯一码字或短语. The passphrase is required when a proxy attempts to obtain information about their student. 大学管理人员将需要确认 在发布有关学生的授权信息之前使用密码短语. 这样做是为了保护学生的FERPA权利.


FERPA代表1974年的《电子游戏试玩》. Also known as the Buckley Amendment. 这保护了学生教育记录的隐私. FERPA applies to all educational agencies or institutions that receive funds under any program administered by the Secretary of Education. 该法律由美国家庭政策合规办公室(FPCO)执行.S. 部门 of Education, Washington DC. FERPA适用于K-12和高等教育. 家庭合规办公室负责这两个级别的教育. 在FERPA中,这两个层次的主要区别在于所赋予的权利 the “student” at the higher education level are given to the parents at the K-12 level. FERPA的权利是 granted to parents until their son/daughter reaches the age of 18 or begins attending an institution of higher education regardless of age.




Office of Registration and Records
Parsons Hall, Room 008
Indiana State University

电话: 812.237.2020

传真: 812.237.8039


  • 学生 logs into their MyISU Portal.
    • 学生点击他们的学生自助服务徽章.
    • 学生导航到附加资源选项卡.
    • 学生 clicks the 代理访问 link
    • 学生 follows the 代理管理 link, which takes them to the  FERPA Acknowledgement.
    • FERPA Acknowledgement


  • 学生 checks box and submits Acknowledgment, and is then directed to the 代理管理 page.


  • 学生 then clicks “添加新”
  • 右上角的“添加新”按钮可用于创建新的代理
  • 学生在以下字段中填写他们想要代理的信息:
    • 第一个名字
    • 电子邮件
    • P要填写的代理信息字段的截图
    • Relationship from the dropdown menu. Once a relationship has been selected, 授权将在下面自动展开,供学生选择. 访问周期或“停止日期”默认为5年,但可以根据需要进行更改.
    • 代理信息屏幕中关系选择下拉框的图像
    • Description: (Optional) i.e., Mom, Dad, Coach, Boss
    • Passphrase (Optional) - Please note that this must be set if student wants to authorize their proxy to communicate via phone or in-person with an ISU representative. 


  • 学生选择他们想要授予此代理的授权. 
    • 学生 checks each box associated with information they want to authorize their proxy to view, then clicks Submit.
    • An image of the checkboxes available for students to select individual proxy authorizations
    • Notes on Specific Authorizations
      • 学生 Detail Schedule - Authorization to view the detailed course schedule information each term.
      • Week at Glance - Authorization to view the student's course schedule in a weekly calendar format.
      • 学生持有-授权查看当前持有的学生的帐户. 当学生的账户上没有存款时,会是空的吗.
      • 学生 Grades - Authorization to view the student's grades for each course in each term.
      • 税务通知书1098T -授权查阅及列印1098T表格.
      • 学生档案-授权查看学生档案信息. This includes biographical information, general student information, graduation details, and the student's assigned advisors. 
      • Account Information - Authorization to view the student's financial account information, 按每个学期的收费和付款分列. 
  • 一旦学生提交了上述所有内容, 他们的代理将立即同时收到三封电子邮件.
    • New proxy identity - READ THIS FIRST
    • New proxy confirmation - READ THIS SECOND
    • 代理 access request - READ THIS THIRD
  • 单击Submit并保存代理信息后, 学生被重定向到代理管理主屏幕. 一旦有, student can click on the pencil icon beneath a proxy's name to re-enter and send emails regarding the passphrase and authorizations granted.
  • An illustration of the pencil icon that must be clicked to edit or send emails regarding a proxy
  • 学生可以选择“电子邮件密码”,将密码发送给他们的代理.
  • An illustration of the 电子邮件密码 link
  • 学生可以通过选择“重置密码”来重置其代理的密码.
  • 重置密码按钮的位置说明, in the top right-hand corner, when editing proxy information
  • The 历史 tab includes a log of which pages have been authorized and deauthorized to be viewed, along with the dates of those decisions.
  •  “通信”选项卡包含已发送到代理的所有电子邮件的列表. 这里的学生可以重新发送任何这些先前的通信.
  • On the 代理管理 homescreen, student can select the Trashcan button beneath the name of an individual proxy to completely remove their proxy access.
  • Illustration of the Trashcan icon beneath individual proxies on the 代理管理 homescreen


Frequently Asked Questions


  • FERPA代表1974年的《电子游戏试玩》. Also known as the Buckley Amendment. 这保护了学生教育记录的隐私. FERPA applies to all educational agencies or institutions that receive funds under any program administered by the Secretary of Education. 这个定律是 由美国家庭政策合规办公室(FPCO)执行.S. 部门 of Education, Washington DC. FERPA适用于K-12和高等教育. 家庭合规办公室负责这两项工作 levels of education. 在FERPA中,这两个层次的主要区别在于所赋予的权利 the “student” at the higher education level are given to the parents at the K-12 level. FERPA的权利是 granted to parents until their son/daughter reaches the age of 18 or begins attending an institution of higher education regardless of age.

  • 学生 may grant proxy access to anyone they deem appropriate: parents, guardians, spouses, etc. 被授予访问权限的个人必须拥有电子邮件帐户.

  • A passphrase is a 由学生分配给他们设置的每个代理的唯一码字或短语. The passphrase is required when a proxy attempts to obtain information about their student. 大学管理人员将需要确认 在发布有关学生的授权信息之前使用密码短语. 这样做是为了保护学生的FERPA权利.

  • 任何学生都有能力设置代理访问.

  • You will begin by logging in to your MyISU portal and clicking on the 学生 Self-Service badge. If you do not see the 学生 Self-Service badge on your home screen, click on MyISU Apps and locate the 学生 Self-Service badge t在这里. 进入学生自助服务徽章后,您将单击 杂项选项卡,然后单击自助服务菜单. 您将在右上角看到代理访问选项卡 你的屏幕. 点击代理管理链接,将带您到FERPA确认 在继续之前,你必须阅读并接受. 阅读有关您的FERPA的信息 rights, click the checkbox, and submit. 您现在将被引导到代理访问菜单,其中 you will click on 代理管理.

  • 不,每个代理必须有一个唯一的电子邮件地址.

  • 是的,您的代理在访问更改时都会收到通知.

  • If a student has established a passphrase for a proxy we can communicate with that proxy. A passphrase is a 由学生分配给他们设置的每个代理的唯一码字或短语. The passphrase is required 在交流学生的信息时. 大学管理人员将需要确认 在发布有关学生的授权信息之前使用密码短语. 这样做是为了保护学生的FERPA权利.

  • If a student wishes for a proxy to have access for only a limited time the start and stop date can be adjusted. The default timeframe is 5 years.

  • The 'Authorization' Tab is w在这里 the student sets up which options they want the proxy to have access.

  • The ‘历史’ tab provides a comprehensive list of all authorizations that have been set for a proxy.

  • The 'Communications' Tab is w在这里 the student can view a comprehensive list of all emails that have been sent to a proxy.

  • 可以通过几种方式删除对代理授权的访问. 您可以更改代理的“配置文件”选项卡上的“停止日期” 和/或您可以删除“授权”选项卡上的所有复选标记. You can also click on the link ‘Delete 代理 Relationship’ to completely remove access.

代理访问 Demo for 学生

Video coming soon




Office of Registration and Records
Parsons Hall, Room 008
Indiana State University

电话: 812.237.2020

传真: 812.237.8039


For proxy access to proxy please click 在这里.

Frequently Asked Questions



  • FERPA代表1974年的《电子游戏试玩》. Also known as the Buckley Amendment. 这保护了学生教育记录的隐私. FERPA applies to all educational agencies or institutions that receive funds under any program administered by the Secretary of Education. 该法律由美国家庭政策合规办公室(FPCO)执行.S. 部门 of Education, Washington DC. FERPA适用于K-12和高等教育. 家庭合规办公室负责这两个级别的教育. 在FERPA中,这两个层次的主要区别在于所赋予的权利 the “student” at the higher education level are given to the parents at the K-12 level. FERPA的权利是 granted to parents until their son/daughter reaches the age of 18 or begins attending an institution of higher education regardless of age.

  • A passphrase is a 由学生分配给他们设置的每个代理的唯一码字或短语. The passphrase is required when a proxy attempts to obtain information about their student. 大学管理人员将需要确认 在发布有关学生的授权信息之前使用密码短语. 这样做是为了保护学生的FERPA权利.

  • If you have logged in previously: w8ta.sh-fyz.com/proxyaccess

    If you have never logged in your student will need to log in to their MyISU Portal account and click on the 代理访问 tab, next click 代理管理, select appropriate proxy, 单击“通信”选项卡并重新发送“代理访问帐户信息”电子邮件.

  • Your student will need to log in to their MyISU Portal account and click on the 代理访问 tab, next click 代理管理, select appropriate proxy, click on 电子邮件密码. 这将通过电子邮件将密码短语直接发送给适当的代理.

  • 在“代理访问”配置文件页面中,更新电子邮件地址并单击“保存”. The system will then send two email messages. The first email is sent to the old email address to indicating that a request for a change from this address has occurred. The second email is sent to the new email address indicating that a change to this address was initiated.

  • 不,每个代理必须有一个唯一的电子邮件地址.

  • 绝对. Proxies are identified by e-mail address, 这个地址可以作为多个学生的代理. 这在兄弟姐妹都就读电子游戏试玩的情况下尤其有用.

  • 是的. Each student who grants proxy access to an e-mail address has complete control over the access for their account, 包括开始和停止日期以及权限级别.

  • 您将获得ISU学生帐户套件的链接, 请记住,这需要您的学生授予的单独访问权限.

  • 学生可以控制哪些页面被授权给你查看. 让你的学生通过电子邮件将为你设置的授权列表发送给你. If you are expecting to see something else, you need to discuss your need with your student .

代理访问 Demo for 代理

Video coming soon.




Office of Registration and Records
Parsons Hall, Room 008
Indiana State University

电话: 812.237.2020

传真: 812.237.8039
