
GH 201: Dystopian Warnings: Contemporary Consequences

GH 201: Dystopian Warnings: Contemporary Consequences

This course interrogates dystopian warnings and the contemporary consequences of not heeding them. Come and take an intellectual leap with me; let your curiosity run wild! Spend the semester discussing texts, 诗, 歌词, streaming 系列, 电影, and 纪录片, and what each suggests about human nature. Debate how far removed we are from the apocalyptic outcomes warned of by dystopian authors and contemplate whether there is still a place for hope. And this is only a sliver of what we will explore!

This course is reading, writing, and participation intensive. I will evaluate participation based on attendance, the degree to which you regularly participate in class discussions, and the quality of a number of forms of writing (essay responses, a short paper) and a class facilitation.

  • 创造乐趣, but rigorous learning environment (going down a rabbit hole is not necessarily a bad thing).
  • Introduce students to Dr. Maule's favorite great works in the form of novels, 系列, 电影, 纪录片, and scholarly works.
  • Develop a space where students can take risks, be intellectually courageous, and find an outlet for their creativity (intellectual "stretches" are not just ok, they are encouraged!).
  • Introduce multiple intersectional lenses for understanding the world.
  • Provide opportunities for students to explore, interrogate, analyze, and apply complex concepts.
  • Further hone skills for discussing world views, policies, and approaches with civility and openness.
  • 给 students many opportunities to develop critical thinking, oral communication, and writing skills.
Instructor: Dr. 琳达莫尔

Please contact Dr. Maule if you have questions about this course.